Saturday, May 5, 2012

Now with Google+!!

I haven't done anything with this in years. Most of my posting, what little I've been up to, is at I have the Twitter feed going there, as well as the increasingly shorter and less subtle rants that have been my posting mainstay for some time now.

Perhaps that will change in the near future. I'm not sure there's been any value in the short form--both from a producer's perspective (MY mental health) or a consumer's angle (the small readership that aren't spambots.)

In any case, I'm not fully integrated here at Google. I can now easily be tracked, categorized and targeted thanks to all the Google goodness. (I'm not desperate to be known; I've just given up on privacy.)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Been over three years since last post

I haven't put anything up here in sometime. I haven't been writing much at, either.

The traditional problem of having something meaningful to say has something to do with it, but I think the collapse thing has been even more of a weight than the quest for content. It's easy to say things, but when you start thinking or talking about how our civilization is winding down, there's not much further you can go. Yes, you can make jokes about Cassandra, and point up sign-posts on the way down, but there's really not to much to add after The End.

Of course, one can talk/write about what comes after, and that's where I'm at these days: trying to identify/discern the patterns (my/our) life will have in the coming years. I think that's where the writing will go as I'm frankly tired of looking at the end of the road.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The original deskpoet is back, baby

I brought the original back.

I'll still do stuff here--indeed, this might be the primary Deskpoet site, given the one IP-hanging-off-a-DSL-link configuration of As noted there, I plan on lots of cross-talk between the two.

Just THINK of all the hits these things will generate.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hillary's descent; Huffington Post Leninists

Normally, I don't go to over to the Huffington Post, but I was curious if the story of Hillary's recent, er, slip, had found any traction there. (Yes, I'm well behind the first shouts of the echo chamber, so I was playing catch up trying to get a feel how the Billary Dems were handling it.) Instead, I find the story of Hillary's popularity plummeting (actually, they link to an NBC page here.) Looks like the stink of Sinbad just won't wash out, even with premium Memory Hole being applied....

So, while I was there, I looked around the site. Classic Leninist slant. Rich "progressives" have as much hate for The Rabble as their buddies in Conservative Cuckoo Land. You don't have to go too far to find just how stupid the Average Joe is at the HP; they literally plaster it all over the front page of the site. Of course, they know the score, and if we only follow them, they'll lead us to that promised Liberal Heaven they seem to bleat on so much about. If that doesn't sound Leninist, I don't know what does.

What's that, you say? The HPs are dyed-in-the-wool freedom capitalists who wouldn't accept a Commie into their midst if their portfolios depended on it? Well, yes, you're right, but that doesn't mean they don't follow in the footsteps of Uncle Vladimir. Lenin was about power, not communism, and as the "vanguard", he knew better than everyone else around him just how things should be run, commie or not. And the HPs are filthy with self-appointed vanguards. In general, Leninism is like a weed in the US political arena; it's in all threads of intellectuals who spend their time justifying the State, right or left of the dial. In the case of the HPs, self-deluded and self-important "progressives" that they are, the strain runs particularly deep. I don't relish the idea of those keyboard leaders ever taking over--"meet the new boss, same as the old boss" indeed.

Besides, who really knows, maybe HPs have posters of Lenin hanging in their closets (taped over and on top of the Che and reefer leaf ones.) And, yes, that's deliberate Commie-bating; I'm feeling quite retro today.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Another ice shelf collapses....

CNN posted a report about a large part of the Wilkins ice sheet in western Antartica collapsing a little while ago. Apparently, there's a great deal more of it at risk of doing the same. In the article, the scientists claim it's more evidence of the acceleration of global warming (which I prefer to call "global climate change" these days as it is more inclusive.) That seems obvious enough; the question that needs to be answered is "What are we going to do about it?"

I'm doing my part--no breeding and no eating of animal flesh. Come on, people, who's with me?

The fooling of all the people all of the time ending?

Gee, the never-ending consumerist hunger for crap might be taking a coffee break. Apparently, March 2008 has some pretty negative indicators, including a "bad feeling" not seen since Nixon was president.

Maybe, just maybe, this country of sleepwalkers will be stirred to activity beyond changing the channel. Hunger and deprivation tends to be a bit jolting, after all.....

Monday, March 24, 2008

Piling on Hillary (not with YOUR ten foot .....)

Ok, I'm not the only one who sees Hillary for what she is--check out Jeffrey St. Clair's article over at Counterpunch. Again, I'm not an Obama boy, but anyone who wants that thing in the White House deserves the fruit of those Halliburton concentration camps being cooked up to keep undesirables (the pinko commies that believe the meaning of the word freedom doesn't include words such as "torture", "decapitation" and "preventive intervention" in its etymology) out of sight and mind.

I've wondered at the pitiful neo-liberals the Clintons have created and their Bushian ability to deny the reality of their actions/policies. The 90s was not Camelot (Camelot was not Camelot, for that matter), so I guess giving to Amnesty International and admonishing the ELF really is the modern indulgences for these pathetic boobs: a few bucks here and there to a fashionable NGO, and you can sleep well on your hemp sheets in your McMansion knowing the Good Fight is being fought (never to be won, but that's a secondary concern, right; it's the journey, not the destination, etc. etc. ZZZZZZZZZ.) Now, if we can only get that equity value back up.....